Miranda, 15 y. This mission trip was amazing. I have met the kindest people that I hope will stay my friends for the rest of my life. It was amazing to be surrounded by the young people that search for God and want to experience Him, to see teens worship together, pray together and to read the Word together.
I am so thankful to everybody on this mission trip, especially those who organized it. I’m thankful to the teachers that dealt with all our shenanigans, especially to our teacher Martynas who made sure we were well fed and to all the students that made me feel like I was at home.
The first day i met the Australian students they made me feel like i had known them my whole life. They are ambitious and devoted to God, they made me feel like i can achieve great things and inspired me to plan my life according to God’s plan. The Australian teachers were also amazing: it’s so nice to have teachers that can be very friendly but still have authority. It made the whole trip so fun, and I felt very safe. I’m so glad that i got to meet all the Australians and i really hope that i can come visit soon
God has shown me great love through the people I have met in Poland and has taught me how important it is to feel uncomfortable sometimes and how amazing it is to be with His people.
Guste, 15y.: Preparing for the trip wasn’t too hard. When we were told that we were going to go on this trip we started doing tests to check our English skills. The thing I enjoyed the most during the week was the volunteering at the school. It was amazing opportunity to get to know each other. I feel like this trip has helped me get out of my comfort zone and to get a new perspective on life and how different everyone is. The trip also helped me to learn a lot about other cultures. I feel like I have been brought closer to God by the help of the amazing people that I met. It transformed me into a more understanding and empathic person. I learned about the different ways God works in other people’s lives. I didn’t really discover anything new about myself. All the teachers were amazing and inspiring. The Australians- probably most amazing people I’ve ever met, extremely friendly and interested in getting to know us. Germans were amazing. I also wanted to thank the Polish team and host families for welcoming us into their school and homes.
Daniil: When I was asked to go on the mission, I was scared – how would I communicate with the people there (my English was very bad at the time), what kind of people would there be, I thought. But I really wanted to go, to help other people. So I asked God if I should go? And then it all worked out that I started to actively learn English, to communicate with people, and eventually all my doubts disappeared. God helped me in this mission!
Everyone on the mission was very friendly and welcoming. What I liked most was that we all got along very well, and when we were assigned to teams to work, there were no problems with getting along. I also enjoyed the work itself: presenting my country to the students of King David Gymnasium, the activities with the young children, the painting of the mural. It was a lot of fun to communicate and work as a team for the benefit of other people.
In my free time, I enjoyed a trip to a salt mine in Poland and interacting with my peers from different countries. I enjoyed interacting not only with the students, but also with the teachers, who helped me in difficult situations, helped me to find answers to some of my deep questions, and the teachers shared their precious wisdom and experience.
I am very grateful to the organisers for the opportunity to serve people in need. Thanks to this mission, I have learned a lot about God, life, had a lot of experience, and I have been changed for the better in the opinion of others.